Certification to the County Treasurer of Charges related to Nuisance Abatement procedures employed by the City of Monticello
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello, Iowa is an incorporated City within Jones County, Iowa; and
WHEREAS, the City abated a nuisance that existed on the properties described below after due, sufficient and legal notice, and has incurred expense associated therewith that has not, after demand, been satisfied by property owners, and
WHEREAS, the Abatement costs are reasonable and proper, and same reimburse the City for actual expenditures of the City associated with the Nuisance Abatement.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Monticello, Iowa does hereby direct the City Clerk to certify the following nuisance abatement costs to the County Treasurer for the imposition of a lien upon said real estate so that same may be collected in the same manner as property taxes.
The real estate against which the lien shall be imposed is described as follows:
Owner Name, and Property Address Amount Due
Brenda L. Claus $190.00
322 West Fourth Street $ 10.00 (Filing Fee)
Monticello, IA 52310 $200.00
Cassandra Zirkelbach $170.00
302 North Chestnut Street $ 10.00 (Filing Fee)
Monticello, IA 52310 $180.00
TOTAL DUE $380.00