The City of Monticello, Iowa
Approving Final Report generated as a result of City of Monticello Goal Setting meeting held on January 25, 2012
WHEREAS, The Monticello City Council, Mayor, and a number of staff participated in what has become known as the “Annual Council Goal Setting”, and
WHEREAS, The Goal Setting process begins with the completion of a questionnaire by the Mayor, City Council, and Department Heads, the results thereof being complied for review and analysis during the goal setting session, and
WHEREAS, During the session, the results of the questionnaire are reviewed, with specific attention being paid to proposed upcoming Capital Projects / Equipment Purchases and Significant Programs or Initiatives, and
WHEREAS, During the goal setting session the City Council casts “personal” and/or informal votes for those Capital Projects / Equipment Purchases and Significant programs or initiatives seen by them as priorities for the coming year(s), those votes being tallied to create a list of priorities, said lists to be used to provide direction to the Mayor, Council, and Staff throughout the coming year(s), and
WHEREAS, After the session, the City Administrator compiles the data and information generated during the goal setting process, and prepares a final report for review and affirmation by the City Council, and
WHEREAS, The City Council has reviewed said final report, and finds it to be a complete and accurate recitation of the goal setting session and the goals and initiatives identified by the Council and that same should therefore be affirmed and approved.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Monticello, Iowa does hereby approve the Final Report related to the Goal Setting session held on January 25, 2012, and does hereby affirm that the goals, objectives, and initiatives identified therein, are in fact the goals, objectives, and initiatives identified by the City Council during said Goal Setting Session.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the City of Monticello, Iowa to be affixed hereto. Done this 4th day of June, 2012.
Dena Himes, Mayor
Sally Hinrichsen, Monticello City Clerk